It's been a really busy few months at MBSM HQ. In September 2014 I started as head of musicians and music staff at Elmhurst Ballet School in Birmingham. It's been a long few weeks learning this new job but I'm really enjoying it. Around 7 weeks in I've not relocated to Birmingham which means I won't have the gruelling 5/6 hour journey every day too and from Brum. I'm now less then a 5 minute walk away from work which is good. Whilst working in Brum I'm still keeping up all my oter work. Every weekend I'll still be working on the CAT Scheme in the north west (can't give that up - I love it too much!) and then nearly every weekend I'll still be appearing with Triple Scotch Ceilidh Band. I figure that the more musical variety I can get - the more interesting the music I play for class will be. Only time will tell I suppose!!!
One of the great things about working at Elmhurst has been the fact I've been in contact with some really great people - Jonathan Still, Graham Dickson-Place and Jonathan Higgins are just 3 of the names that first spring to mind. It's been great speaking to many other fellow ballet musicians about our job - how it all works and other similar tasks including training pianists - how teachers can best work with teachers and how pianists can provide the correct and appropriate musical support for dance classes - regardless of the level youre accompanying. It's such a vast topic that I'm sure it will never be sorted in our lifetime but it's incredibly interesting and enjoyable to try and get some information together to help other people who are trying to get involved in this unique style of accompaniment. Please stay tuned for further information!
MODERN BALLET STUDIO MELODIES, MORE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS is in the process of being uploaded to iTunes ready for you to download and bring a real flavour of Christmas to your ballet classses in the run up to the festive period. I'm really hoping that I meet the deadling for uploading this year as two years ago I missed the iTunes deadline and my first ever Christmas CD "Sounds of Christmas" ended up not being released digitally until January which was a mistake !!!! I'll keep everybody posted via facebook and twitter etc with all the updates.
FINALLY - I'm in discussions with a UK based company about bringing back physical CDs. Discussions are still ongoing but it's exciting that physical CDs of my work may be produced again!!!
Have a good October - Chris